Most people are unaware of the many methods of obtaining health insurance coverage. Yes, it is certainly possible you are already enrolled in the best option available to you, but the only way to be sure is by calling Drew for a review. And, with laws that were passed in March 2021, many options have changed significantly. In other words, even if you reviewed your options in February 2021, that information may be completely inaccurate now!
Options include federal/state programs, employer coverage, creating your own group coverage, Marketplace/Exchange/ with or without tax credit eligibility, old pre-AffordableCareAct (pre-Obamacare) coverage, and even a variety of coverages that are not “real” health insurance but still provide some health-insurance-like coverage.
To determine your best coverage option, a variety of questions will need to be asked and answered, so please call to begin that discussion or complete the form below. You have nothing to lose by obtaining this valuable review, as we do not charge for our services!